10 Good Reasons why Fee From Refund can work for you

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  1. Saves you time. Our research proves that our system has saved our customers an average of 90% of the time spent on Fee From Refund.
  2. Minimises Loss of Fees. In the event a customers refund is less than the fees, we collect the fees for you – FREE!
  3. Reduces Clients Query Time. The system manages the process – you can see where their refund is at all times.
  4. Reduces Expenses. No more costly Trust Account fees, Bank fees, postage or cheques.
  5. It is so simple and user friendly to use a web Based system – you can access it anywhere, anytime.
  6. We manage the entire Fee From Refund process on your behalf.
  7. A low set up fee with a money back guarantee.
  8. 24/7 Support from the Fee from Refund professionals.
  9. No Trust Account necessary.
  10. Adds ‘Real Profits’ to your bottom line.